Saturday, June 19, 2010



I have been behaving crazily with my sister....

Mocking discussion of some sense of seriousness, with the lameness kind of suggestion I can think of....


That prompted my sister to question my behavior when I am with someone I love....

I wonders...

Somehow... she reminded me who I am....

I couldn't reveal my character to someone I love...

I tend to be much more conservative ...

Or perhaps it is natural to behave so....

Or perhaps it was only a short span...

Or perhaps the one I love would be the one....

I would feel comfortable with, while being myself....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Working Life

Missed some update of my life....


I found a job!

In the marine line...

But as a design engineer in automation for vessel.....

The design aspect of the job is the main attraction for me to apply especially in the field of automation....

Somehow i got the job based on my sheer luck.... hmm....

or perhaps my 101% EQ helped me....


11 of August is the new beginning of my working life.....

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Yesterday was sort of a Korea day...

Meet up with my Korean friend, Jon Won, and Gabriel, for dinner at a Korean restaurant call "jung wha gak"....

Jon Won recommended this restaurant as it is one of the best place selling Korean style "Zha Jiang Mian"...

Actually we reached early as we thought we could have our late lunch there...

The restaurant only operates during dinner hours...

Anyway we spent the rest of the 1.5 hours at a nearby coffee shop, playing Monopoly Deal....

Oh yeah...

We went to the restaurant at around 6pm...

Hmmmm.... The noodle taste pretty good...Unique....

Not as sweet as expected... which is good...

Actually like noodles with satay sauces...So.... everyone has different taste preference...

Anyway is a nice exposure to Korean style Chinese Cuisine...

We make our next trip to a pub to catch a World Cup soccer game between Korea and Greece....

There were already some Koreans in the pub.....


대한민국! 대한민국! 대한민국!

The usual phase that you would hear from the Korean supporters...

And in fact....

The Korea team won the game and every goal was responded with ear blasting scream of celebration....d-_-b....

And I was abused by Jon Won....

He can't control his emotion over every goals... LOL...

The day did spent well....

Looking forward for tomorrow and figuring ways to get distracted..

Friday, June 11, 2010

MC day

Oh yeah...

Spent my day resting at home...

Rented 3 movies with my sister....

Brides War, Alice in Wonderland, Sherlock Holmes

Watched Bride War and Sherlock Homes.....

Both turns out to be unexpectedly good...

Guess Anne Hathaway and Robert Downey Jr. did make both movie attractive...

Catching Alice in Wonderland with my mum tomorrow or maybe on her rest day...

She wanted to watch during the showing period of the movie but changed her mind due to the pricey ticket...

Hopefully the rented version could still keep her rest day enjoyable...


Recovering well from my flu and sore throat...

But developing cough soon...

I have been reading some books on motivation and personnel developments...

One of the book gives 3 reasons why we fail to make "know to action":

Overloaded with information....

Negative attitude and mind set....

No follow-up plan.....

Those points sound quite true..

We are human,not machine....

We have memory that diminishes over time....

Often, we tried to be jack of all trade... But master of nothing....

Perhaps I should stay focus in what I am doing now....

I have been thinking deep yesterday night...

Perhaps I could have prevent the disappointment from happening if I have reminded her....

Somehow I did expect it to happen after some incidents and confessions...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Unexpected ?

Oh my...

Flu strike again....

But didn't lead to a fever...


But sore throat and eventually will develop into cough....

Got some medication and was given 2 rest days at home....


It turns out unexpected......
expected ?
Although it was just a movie....
suppose to compensate the Twilight series after some miscommunication...
And it was initiated by her again...
I was so happy...
Does she thinks for me or as a friend?
I do...
Anyway it is her freedom to watch with any friends...
Feel so disappointed...

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I seem to be trying hard to get some attention....

But it seem to be an opposite effect.....

Have been left cold again....

It seems to be a pretty busy period....


Attending an interview tomorrow....

Not looking forward to it....

I need to let myself cool down...before attempting any pestering effect again...

Just tell me if there is anything wrong with me....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Went for an interview..

Design engineer with ST Marine...

Didn't prepare well for the interview....

Asked about the core business of the company...

Crapped the answer and caught by the interviewee... LOL...

Anyway I flung the interview....

Going for another interview on Friday...

This time round will prepare before hand....

Hopefully everything turn out smooth for me..

I care?
I have come to realize...
My paranoid is not because of how others treat me...
But rather I think I have cared too much for others that I am indirectly affecting their freedom and myself...
The problem lies within me...
I lost once because of this problem...
I might lost this time round again but a friendship...
We are grown up...

perhaps i think too much again....
Busy ?